Presentation Rockstars!

 Play from Group 1: Group 1 Play - YouTube

Play from Group 2: Group 2 Play - YouTube

Play from Group 3: Group 3 Play - YouTube

Play from Group 4: Group 4 Play - YouTube

Play from Group 5: Group 5 Play - YouTube

Play from Group 6: Group 6 Play - YouTube

We have been working really hard on paying attention to punctuation and how that makes us change how we read, how to make our characters sound real in our books, and most importantly how to work together as a team...Y'all I could not be prouder of these kiddos! I literally almost cried happy tears watching how amazing they were today, how well they worked together, listened to one another, how they congratulated and cheered for their friends! Everyone was so brave in presenting and getting in front of people! They did an awesome job of reading and making their characters come to life! I think we definitely have some future actors!

This is what they did immediately after their friends got done, they all walked over to them and started giving hugs, high fives, and handshakes 😊🤗🤗 I love how they support and cheer for one another!


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