
Week 9 A Quarter of the Way There

New Seats for a new Quarter! I can't believe we're already at the end of 1st Quarter! These kiddos have learned and grown so much!! This week we really dove into science in anticipation of our big habitat project and we got to learn some interesting spelling rules...Some other highlights-the all school Rosary, a math card game, and some beautiful recess weather!! After using good teamwork to move their desks, we got to have a playdough morning to celebrate the end of the quarter! We loved our Scholastics Search and Find Smartboard Game. Weighing Objects...the most fun math lesson to date! A little hot but it's always nice when the whole school comes together to pray! When we were brainstorming outside games for their Tuesday Homework I asked them if they knew the Farmer in the Dell...they said they did not so on my recess duty day I taught it to them: ) Recess!! Fractions!!!